Britney Thomspon
In a small way yeah it could, you think about 75 million dollars it not a humongous amount in the grand scheme of the entire budget, which I don’t remember what that entire budget for campus is but it's huge. Over time those little things add up, but you also think about if we had to replace an entire plant for some reason that could be a hundred million dollars. Something like that value would really add up and that would be something that students notice. O they ask "well why don’t we do a hundred percent solar for campus" that would be so expensive that you'd defiantly would notice the difference in your tuition. So there's always a balancing point between what is efficient, what is healthy, what is economical what makes sense, there's not just one driver that makes all these decisions for us. Our jobs it to provide clean, efficient, reliable power to campus for you guys so you can do your thing.
Britney Thompson
"Would any of these [sustainability] changes affect the tuition for the students?"
I think so. We have been doing a bit of analyses. We're still rising, I thin a lot of that is because our student population is increasing and we're adding more buildings. But the idea is to kind of slow that growth and then decrease the slope (demonstrates with her arms a high rising slope, a lower rising slope, then a flat slope) so instead of going this fast you're maybe going this fast in growth and eventually you can get flat and then eventually you can start going down. So trying to lower that slope is kind of the proses that we're working on right now. Probably this fall we'll be announcing an initiative that President Capilouto will hopefully be signing that has some action plan to it to show by 2025 we want to do this much change for our campus, and yes we officially believe in this and this is how we're going to do it. So a lot of what I do and what our sustainability coordinator does is going to be part of that there is something in the works for that, so that'll be good.
Britney Thompson
"Do you think that the changes at UK are Reducing CO2 emission?"
We have a long way to go. You cant make drastic massive changes overnight but we have to start small and I think that’s what we're doing. We've kind of been doing it slowly so what we're doing right now is that enough no, but we have to do what we're doing right now and then next year we can do it a little bit better and next year we can do it a little but better and kind of get that momentum started.
Britney Thompson
"Do you think that the changes that are being implemented right now or that have been implemented are enough to sustain a healthier ecosystem?"
I would like to, this is kind of an internal problem but a lot of our new buildings, they're being built pretty well but if we could go a little bit above and beyond and maybe make a little bit more investment into the building while we're building them they'd be better in the long run. So we save maybe a million dollars in the construction of the building but over its twenty year life span it costs us 8 million dollars we've got to be able to think about those kinds of things, so building sustainably up front and building durably and building something that is resilient I think is going to make our campus better in the long run. Like if you buy a lightbulb for a dollar, yeah it’s a dollar but it's going to cost you way more energy over time. Versus if you invest upfront in a CFL or LED its going to cost you a little bit more, but by golly that LED is going to last you for 10 years and costs you next to nothing to operate so there's a trade off there. Those are different kinds of people in different pools of money and so there's always a balancing point, but I would like to see us push a little bit more towards making sure our buildings are as best as they can be upfront.
Britney Thompson
"Are there any other [sustainability] changes you'd like to see come to pass?"
MLA Citation:
Thompson, Britney. Personal Interview conducted by Eduardo Barcenas. 9 July 2016.